In the last few weeks I have been slowly learning about the cocos2d-x framework. cocos2d-x is a C++ based cross platform game engine. The makers of the engine also produce a UI creation GUI called Cocos Studio. Today’s post is a brief one about loading scenes from Cocos Studio into a cocos2d-x based application.

Cocos Studio can output created projects in a couple different formats. I chose to export in the binary format that uses the .csb file extension. After doing some web searches I found that there is some confusion in regard to how to load a binary scene and register a listener with an element in the scene. The following code has been tested with cocos2d-x v3.4 and 3.5 on Windows and OS X.

The output resource folder from Cocos Studio’s project export should be placed in a location accessible to the running cocos2d-x application. In my case, I put the generated content in the Resources folder in the project directory. I then added the following c++ code inside of a scene class.

//near the top
#include "cocostudio\CocoStudio.h"
// your other code...
Node* node = CSLoader::createNode("binaryscene.csb");
auto button = static_cast<cocos2d::ui::Button*>(node->getChildByName("Some_btn_name"));
if (button != NULL) {
  button->addClickEventListener([](Ref *) {

A couple notes on the above snippet. It is located within a scene class, so that the this->addChild... statement adds the loaded scene into the current class. Inside of the Cocos Studio project I label a single button with the name “Some_btn_name.” Getting the button object to add a listener involves retrieving it from the node by name and then casting it to a button object which exposes the addClickEventLisenter button.

Hope this helps other people getting started with cocos2d-x.