Today’s post is a quick tip on how to easily create a sleep-delay loop in JavaScript.

JavaScript’s exposed APIs tend to be asynchronous, expecting call back parameters which accept function references instead of blocking and then returning. The new async and await keywords that build on promises can largely hide the asynchronous nature of the language.

For example, it is now possible to easily write several functions calls in order and expect them to execute more or less as written:

async function doAThing() {
    await thing1();
    await thing2();
    return thing3();

For something like the humble sleep loop though setting up functions for syntactic sugar like async and await is more effort than it’s worth. As reminder a sleep loop is used to create deliberate delay between repeated actions. For example,

// some function body...
for (int i = 0; i < foo.length; i++) {

In Java the Thread.sleep() call blocks the executing thread for 2000 milliseconds, this introduces a delay between calls to thingIt. In JavaScript we have the setTimeout() function which is asynchronous and accepts a call back parameter. To be clear, the following will not work:

// doesn't work...
for (let i = 0; i < foo.length; i++) {
    setTimeout(/* what goes here? */ () => { console.log('timeout call back called' ) }, 2000);

Since setTimeout calls a function we can use it to schedule itself:

function thingIt() {
    setTimeout(thingIt, 2000);

The last thing we need is the ability to iterate over the items (foo in our examples). In JavaScript this could be done using a for...of loop or a call to #forEach. Recursion can also be used for iteration though. setTimeout expects to be handled a parameter-less function, and we can make one by binding parameters to a function that accepts the array of items and the current index.

function delayedIteration(index, iterableArray) {
    if (index >= iterableArray.length) {

    index += 1;
    setTimeout(delayedIteration.bind({}, index, iterableArray), 2000);

delayedIteration(0, foo);

I hope this helps when a quick delay loop is needed in a JavaScript project.