Let’s talk about cross origin resource sharing (referred to as CORS from here on), what it is, where it is used, and some mistakes I made when configuring this website’s hosting. After reading this you will hopefully never wonder again why that little error about not being ‘CORS-enabled’ shows up in the browser console.

The short, short, summary is,

  • The crossorigin attribute must also be specified when using the HTML link tag with the integrity attribute.
  • A AWS CloudFront distribution must be configured to use CORS headers, such as origin in the cache key and pass those headers to the backend when hosting static resources that need to be served with CORS headers.

With that said, let’s chat about details to understand why the above two points are important,


Note well, for the rest of this discussion, we’ll talk about sharing across domains instead of origins. Different domains are always different origins, but the reverse is not always true. My problem concerned sharing across different domains.

CORS and the server side settings for it to work are as much about the browser’s security model as they are about sharing resources across domains. In the briefest of summaries, ‘CORS’ is a specification that defines a way for servers to indicate which hosted resources may be downloaded by web applications loaded from a domain other than the servers’ domains. Sometimes defining what something is not helps. CORS is not,

  • applicable to native (non-web-browser based) applications making calls to remote services
  • applicable to loading redirects or things that cause the browser location to change
  • (intentional repeat here), CORS is not a way to secure resources stored on a server

CORS is,

  • helpful where a browser application makes calls to multiple, different, backend APIs
  • sometimes configured dynamically when serving resources that require authenticated access
  • a method to help prevent malicious javascript from surreptitiously loading resources across domains

Mozilla has a great page that provides a detailed overview of CORS and then goes into the technical details of the HTTP headers involved.


I create this blog using the Hugo generator to create static pages that are then hosted on AWS S3 and CloudFront. My site is available at two domains, www.codinginthetenches.com and codinginthetrenches.com, with the latter being the primary domain. The former domain is available via CloudFront and loads resources like CSS and Javascript from the primary domain.

In other words, there is a cross domain request (cross origin) from a web site loaded on www.codinginthetrenches.com to load resources from codinginthetrenches.com.

After recently updating my blog’s theme I noticed that the styling of the home page on www.codinginthetrenches.com was broken and Firefox was showing a new-to-me CORS error in the browser console.

At this point I could have followed AWS’ guide for using S3 buckets to create redirects between domains. Instead of hosting the entire homepage at www.codinginthetrenches.com, a visitor to that domain would receive a HTTP 301 Moved Permanently redirect to codinginthetrenches.com. I’m moderately allergic to mysteries though.

My problem

Two things were broken.


Hugo is a static site generator that takes as input templates and content written in Markdown and emits as output HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Sometime recently support was for hashing minimized resources, like CSS, and linking to them using HTML link tags with the integrity attribute. More can be read about this feature here. It is a capability that helps to ensure that the browser is receiving the content that was originally intended to be included with the page. This helps to prevent a scenario where a content delivery network (CDN) like CloudFront manipulates hosted content and serves something other than what the author originally intended.

The linked page mentions several times that configuring CORS headers is important for integrity checking. It is not as plainly described that the web browser itself will not participate in sending CORS headers unless another attribute is added to the link tag.

In other words the head section of my website contained a link tag similar to this,

    <link href="{some url}" integrity="sha256-{some hash value}">

Loading this page when {some url} pointed to a domain other than the one which hosted the page resulted in an error similar to the following, “has an integrity attribute, but the resource requires the request to be CORS enabled to check the integrity, and it is not. The resource has been blocked because the integrity cannot be enforced.”

This is not a server side error. The browser is telling us that the link tag must be configured to tell the browser to send CORS headers as part of the request. Doing this is simple,

    <link href="{some url}" integrity="sha256-{some hash value}" crossorigin="anonymous">

Anonymous works for me since my website is public without any authentication. A different attribute value may be needed if the server requires an authorization header or some kind of authentication state.

This resolved issued number one.


AWS has guides on how to make sure that CORS headers are appropriately handled by S3 and CloudFront. These guides are here and here.

As a CDN, CloudFront accepts requests from clients and either serves a cached response or retrieves a value from some backend, caches it, and then serves a response. This definition has become fuzzier because of capabilities like Lambda at edge. Still, in general, CloudFront caches content and serves it. This is important because HTTP headers are part of the cached response. The above guides note that CloudFront must be configured to forward CORS headers, such as origin, to the backend. The above guides also show how to configure AWS S3 to respond with appropriate CORS headers given a request.

After fixing issue one, I was still seeing an error in the browser console indicating that this CSS file was being served without appropriate CORS headers.

My issue was not paying attention to CloudFront’s caching configuration. Each CloudFront distribution can have one or more ‘behaviors’ that determine how requests are handled. Among other settings, behaviors determine how many different versions of a response are stored by CloudFront and what header values are passed to the backend. AWS’ documentation covers how the behavior policy works in more detail.

I had configured my distribution to pass header values to the backend but only store responses based on the requested domain and path. This meant that CloudFront did not return different CORS headers regardless of what origin header was sent with the request. It instead sent back headers associated with whatever request it first handled. Fortunately, the issue is easily resolved by adding the origin header to the cache key policy. After the update CloudFront will store different responses based on the origin header value sent in the client browser’s request.

Issued number two resolved.

If you got this far, thanks for reading and hopefully I covered something new.