Project War Rooms: How many ways can we interrupt each other?

Being an IT consultant has occasionally had me working in unusual or cramped quarters at client offices, the result of being hired help instead of a full time employee. One type of psychical situation I have ended up working in a few times is something we called “the project war room.” ...

September 27, 2014 · MichaelHughes

Interface mania: Considering when to add an interface for class.

Something introduced fairly early in programming courses is the concept of an interface. In practice interfaces help to define the boundaries between components of a system, define the behavior of underlying implementors of the interface, and make it easier to switch implementations of said behavior down the road. Today’s post offers a few thoughts on where interfaces should and should not be used. ...

September 26, 2014 · MichaelHughes

Java ArrayList resize costs

Today we will look at whether it’s worth developer time to pre-size ArrayList objects in Java application code. We will take a similar approach to the one taken in a prior post on how long it takes to handle an exception in Java. ...

September 11, 2014 · MichaelHughes

How long it takes to throw an exception in Java

Today post is exceptional, we’ll take a brief look at the time cost of throwing and re-throwing exceptions and put that time cost in context. To be specific, we’ll look at the timing information for a set of exceptions which might be found in a typical 3-tier business application. In our example the exceptions are thrown and caught in hierarchical order in order to promote separation between the tiers of the application. ...

September 1, 2014 · MichaelHughes

Server-client date time management in web applications

Previously we have discussed one approach and gave some implementing code for providing time zone adjusted date times to client web applications. Within the space of user facing web applications there are few different approaches to handling the storage and transmission of date time information. Today we will look at a couple broader themes for delivery of date times to client applications from servers and some thoughts on how to do it well. ...

July 25, 2014 · MichaelHughes

Gotchas associated with client side date handling

This is short post about a couple issues that end users might run into when using a method of displaying dates I described in a prior post. In short, Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 cannot parse certain types of ISO8601 dates correctly and Google Chrome does not track the system’s time zone correctly. ...

June 11, 2014 · MichaelHughes

On the use of AWS DynamoDB

In today’s post I’ll cover some of the potential use cases for AWS DynamoDB, why you might want to use it or not. ...

June 7, 2014 · Michael Hughes

Time zone correct client side date and time display

Today’s post one covers one approach for displaying the correct timezone adjusted date and time in a web application. A common example for the problem being addressed is user A located in London, UK uploads a file to a central server located in New York City, US and then user B located in Seoul, SK views the file. When user B attempts to download the file we would like show the user when the file was uploaded in his or her current time zone. ...

May 26, 2014 · MichaelHughes

Create an object based dual list shuttle with Knockoutjs

A quick tip post on using Knockoutjs to create a certain type of common web UI component. The short and sweet summary is that I’ll show how to create a shuttle control using two select boxes that are bound to arrays of Javascript objects (instead of simple value types) using Knockoutjs. Before getting to that though I’ll provide some background on the various component used to create the UI. ...

May 24, 2014 · MichaelHughes

Dumb appliances and smart devices

I saw an advertisement for a ‘smart’ laundry machine yesterday. The washer was smart because it came with the capability to connect to a wireline network and phone back to the manufacturer for updates and service information. I have seen similar smart refridgerators that also can connect to a local network for internet access. As an idea this seems great, it’s all part of the internet of things concept where our devices are all intelligently interlinked. I’m going to make the argument that smart appliances unlike smart devices is a bad idea. ...

May 14, 2014 · MichaelHughes